Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Idol Scandal!

With all this talk about American Idol being rigged to make David Cook win, I think we've lost sight of the real scandal: Jason Castro is a muppet.

Am I the only one who's noticed? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. See comparison of Jason Castro with Janice the Muppet (from Electric Mayhem -- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww yeah):

Isn't there some rule about professional musicians competing in American Idol? I think this needs to be investigated a little further.

At very least, we can be glad this freak didn't win. I mean, dreadlocks on a white guy? C'mon...


suz said...

I love Janice! Jason better back off-creepy. I know what Beaker would say.....

frontrunnerreview said...

Meep mee meep?

Anonymous said...

lol, Jason is way creepy...